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  Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
طارق المصرى
طارق المصرى

رقم العضوية : 74
النوع : ذكر
الدولة :  Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt Eg10
عدد المساهمات : 2577
نقاط المكتسبه : 34035
التقييم : 69
المزاج : الحمد لله
الأوسمة :
 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt 10010

 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt 20010

 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt 200010

 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt    Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 18, 2011 7:48 pm

think that for a non-violent means recognition of the other ... and to impose by force of opinion

Or threat of force, cruelty, aggression, oppression and coercion
Good pages to the spread of violence among young people, children and couples and has become a habit
In our society and how to reach a solution, and Contact Person
I think that films of violence, especially of children Cartoons

As well as video games that have violence
Unemployment, drug abuse and increased population density and high on both sides of the Nile
... The slow pace of litigation and non-implementation of judicial rulings

Issued final.
Focus on the violence of the satellite channels and newspapers

Magazines and various media and action films
The Chases
Factors are to appear on the surface
Loudness and shouting in your face is a model

To try to impose control through sound and the high user

That the owner of the sound does not have the means to convince
Address the violence will not bear fruit overnight

But they should start from now and continue until the change

Misconceptions I have all of the government and individuals and groups
I see
Treatment, the government should first improve the quality of education and inclusion of the principles of the tolerant

Monotheistic religions

Work hard and faithfully to reduce the rate of unemployment

By creating jobs and real work, with emphasis on the importance of the principle of equal opportunities for


End speed issues ... and to toughen sentences for crimes

Violence and intimidation ... and the safe use of weapons ... or whatever

Would find a physical or mental abuse ...

- The need to implement the provisions ... and respect ... and the state should

Start their own ... are implemented the provisions of the judiciary and respond to him ...

And the State through the Ministry of Interior and the speed of implementation

Judicial verdicts issued for the benefit of citizens, even ..

Get rid of the culture of "taking my right arm" ...

Review the role of the media and its institutions and its impact on building personal

Together sound of the Egyptian citizen

The state must shift to the slum areas Adame

So that there are public services and raise awareness and change the culture of

"Take my right hands" ...

At the same time by any government attention and eradication

Any attempt to establish new slums

This is mainly the work of the government.

On the family instill a spirit of tolerance and promotion of

In the behavior of children ... and this does not mean that the child is slavishly

Or weak ... but ... the power of tolerance and be aware of the child that there

Legitimate means to obtain their rights.

The most important thing to remember that we are role models for our children, and their actions

The implications of our actions, Could we set a good example to them rather than take a

Blame them! And would you be taught to look and Nbarham Nattv them and they are

Children; to Ebrna and improve us as we elders, he said

- Peace be upon him: - "God favors his son aware of his righteousness."
The education here is not to speak, words and acts, but acts.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
طارق المصرى
طارق المصرى

رقم العضوية : 74
النوع : ذكر
الدولة :  Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt Eg10
عدد المساهمات : 2577
نقاط المكتسبه : 34035
التقييم : 69
المزاج : الحمد لله
الأوسمة :
 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt 10010

 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt 20010

 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt 200010

 Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt    Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 18, 2011 7:50 pm

Uh oh Iarkabp government and in the oversight of your actions
Words fill a large compound and fear Egrqkm
Radio and screens grayed workers talk to him
Elly was Aanv and Racqua and Kdakm
Children on a small, soft Hilh Singh and razors
In the suitcase instead of books and rest like mind
What is the action film in each channel Peggy Ischofha
Ikhally brain boy hits hate Iaourkm
Even serial Damard mountain friendlier name idiot assassination
Strawberry remained until the war and hate connects you
-------------------------------------------------- --------
Dare you say the government would like us to reason that
You are not wasted Septy controls will like the owner of the
Pan de capital overriding Elly Hqahm long
Akztwa and taxes the rest of them stayed Hulk
And spend millions and Aktar on Exposing all blows

Sakka thrown bombs and cream violin part
In the demolition of the Government Garage Bmulotov and Bembe gas
Abielm his son live a criminal and hungry
Allowance as they grow up polite and knows the commands of God
Before the remains of the best like your men
-------------------------------------------------- -
The Lantau Hevcoa youth at the club Bihdoa
Halls and walls and hammering Bisdoa
Libra out streets Bihrkoa vehicles
And began to throw their Blahm Anas and Bicdoa
Each machine literature Birashwa girls
Bmip fire, and even the police respond
Les films Elly was the Bullies
Burn and break and die and no one Bisdoa
The classroom doors open
Hovoa Do not be afraid and telling us Fein Gedo
Leader in the uniform Maml Exposing for the Blind
Traveled the president and guile lay Bafilkh
Who wants a real Eetmd Eetmchkr
Elly each holder controls will Aalphen Iasaad
Authorized to put the poison in the water
Yamit pain over Mommy and Altvh on Khaddo
And cheek, what produced outstanding work Vzaiha Elly Alchacp
And repent and delivers nothing against him remained Maibaky
As the poet said
Atne to come from something like shame on you if you did a great
Regards and Baklmy Mounir Mohamed Hassanein
Free Egyptian Tarek

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Become violence (Violence) is usually in Egypt
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